Ašais runners have returned to stadium races!
June 4, 2020 at 9:55 pm,
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Both had a new top speed in these runs. Respectively 2:39,64 and 2:35,38. Unfortunately, very far from the power of the winter season was Elza Niklase. Perhaps, on of the reasons being - lack of other competitors. In 800m other competitors IS nescerssary. Elza had the fastest time amongst girls, Stella - second fastest. Artis Rožkalns 3rd among men, but clearly far from optimal form... 1:59,28. And lastly, in the 400m sprint for the first time this year for Renāte Beļājeva. Renāte 2nd from girls, but the result quite far from what we hoped for - 1:02,62. In any case - finally a normal sporting life has returned and the result will be "resurrected". That is clear! Photos - here!