2019 is rapidly coming to a close, and in this period of time between two athletic cycles, Ašais runners once again visited the Lithuanian city Klaipėda, in which occured the international competition - Maniežos Taure 2019. In this race participated U16 & U18 athletes from Lithuania, Latvia and Russia. An excellent participation went down for Renāte Beļājeva, who won in the 1000m distance and set a new PB, and finished only 0.14 slower than the first place in the 600m distance. Knowing Renātes' accelerative abilities, only God know, how it would've went down if they both had been in the same heat. Till the end there was hope, that Roberts Glazers would set off in the track, but we decided to "save" Roberts for the future and not risk him getting sick. Sore throat... With this, club has won 116 medals in the year 2019! Will be run to 120? Results - here! A few photos - here!