Autumn is not possible without SC Ašais being in Saaremaa

The second race day not any less rich than the first. Each Ašais runner realized their goal differently. In the youth ditance Roberts Glazers 3rd from all and 1st in his age group further increasing the time gap from 2nd place. Stella Paltiņa finished first, overtaking the leader girl with a sprint in the finishing meters thereby being ahead whole 8 seconds. Ričards Špacs in P11 age group "gave" away another place, however Roberts Cercins remained 6th. Unfortunately the goal to get closer to the pedestal failed for Elza Niklase, maintaining 5th place in the T14 age group. Renāte Beļājeva 8th. In the main race, Artis Rožkalns is a place higher overall and in his age group. Amongst his age runners, Artis second. Photos of the second day - here!
Artis Rožklans has shown, that he is capable also in the longer distances, despite specializing in the 800m distance. He did marathons' worth of distance in these three days and completed it in 02:32:15,8. In the overall ranking, Artis got 15th place from more than 700 participants. In the Elite(M19) group 13th place. Clubs' records has also been set in this distance. Artis also passed his peer, that way being the fastest in his age group. In the youth distance, Roberts Glazers unbeaten is victorious in the P14 age group, and also 3rd from all youth distance runners. Sadly, the thid race day did not go according to plan for Stella Paltiņa being second, although losing to a two year older competitor. This time Stella Paltiņa is 2nd in T11 age group. In the olimpic 6 - Ričards Špacs (5th) and Roberts Cercins (6th) in the P11 age group, Elza Niklase (5th) in the T14 age group. Renāte Beļājeva in the same age group as Elza, is in 8th place. Joyful is the fact, that almost all set a new PR in these distances and are determined to return next year in order to step on the pedestal. Photos of the third race day - here!